Your carrier     Your chance Ready for take off

Our carrier Our chance Ready for take off

Our carrier Our chance Ready for take off



Strong together right from the start! That’s why we launched our Buddy Programme. Every new employee is assigned an experienced colleague as a buddy who accompanies and supports them during the familiarisation phase. Your buddy will be on hand to help you with all aspects of your day-to-day work, answer your questions, share their knowledge and help you find your way around our company. Your buddy is there for you to ensure that you settle in quickly and get off to a successful start.

feedback process

After you join Private Wings, we will hold at least four feedback meetings during your probationary period. HR will provide you with intensive support in the first few weeks to ensure that you have all the resources you need for a successful start. After three and five months, meetings will be held with your line manager to provide you with professional feedback and thus good orientation.

At the end of the probationary period, we will hold regular feedback meetings as part of our annual employee appraisals to ensure your development and satisfaction, and we will also be available to talk to you at any time.

Opportunities for
further training

Bei uns werden Sie an jedem Punkt Ihrer Karriere unterstützt: Ob Sie gerade erst ins Berufsleben starten, sich umorientieren, eine Ausbildung absolvieren, studieren oder bereits Berufserfahrung mitbringen. Gemeinsam finden wir den passenden Weg für Sie in unserem Unternehmen. Darüber hinaus legen wir großen Wert auf individuelle Weiterbildungswünsche, die wir in persönlichen Mitarbeitergesprächen festhalten. 

Jessica Kühl

Jessica Kühl

Your contact to Human Resources Management

Send your application
Jessica Kühl

Jessica Kühl

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin im Human Resources Management

Sende deine Bewerbung
Locations within Germany
Years in the sky
over 0
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We are one team

Private Wings is made up of colleagues who have been with the company for many years and new employees. We attach great importance to always helping each other, learning from each other and thus realising the best flights for our customers.

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Wir sind ein Team

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Our application process


After sending your application via the contact form, you will immediately receive a confirmation of receipt.


After sending your application via the contact form, you will immediately receive a confirmation of receipt.


Our head of department would like to get to know you in detail and will be happy to introduce you to the area of work and the tasks involved.


It is important to us that you and we can make a decision quickly and that all the necessary formalities are clarified shortly.

Get to know the team

and join us.